Même s’il a été injustement accusé, il a sa conscience pour lui.
Even though he was unjustly accused, he has his conscience on his side.

Je peux dormir tranquille cette nuit, j’ai ma conscience pour moi.
I can sleep peacefully tonight, I have my conscience on my side.

Il a agi de manière juste et honnête, il a donc sa conscience pour lui.
He acted in a fair and honest manner, so he has his conscience on his side.

Elle a toujours agi avec intégrité, elle a donc sa conscience pour elle.
She has always acted with integrity, so she has her conscience on her side.

Malgré les critiques, il sait qu’il a fait ce qui était juste et a ainsi sa conscience pour lui.
Despite the criticisms, he knows he did what was right and thus has his conscience on his side.