If you want to learn how to drive in France, there are some age requirements to keep in mind. The minimum age to take the driving test in France is 15 years old, but the minimum age can be higher depending on the category of license you are applying for. To prepare for the exam, you can go to a driving school, which will provide you with the necessary training.

The exam consists of a general theoretical test (the “code”) and a practical test, which can only be taken if you have passed the code. If you pass both tests, you will be issued a provisional document that allows you to drive until you receive your final license.

Learning to drive typically involves a minimum of 20 hours of driving (a minimum requirement to take the practical test), but in practice, most driving school students need an average of 35 hours of driving lessons to pass the exam. The cost of driving lessons can vary from one school and city to another.

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