Welcome to Unit 15 of French4me.net’s main curriculum! This unit is designed to help students strengthen their understanding of various aspects of the French language.

The first lesson focuses on the passé surcomposé tense, a complex aspect of French grammar that requires a good understanding of tenses and their uses. Students will learn how to use this tense correctly and how to identify it in context.

In the following lessons, students will explore the imparfait du subjonctif tense, which is used to express doubt, wishes, and other subjunctive moods in French. The lessons on verbs and prepositions will help students understand how verbs and prepositions interact in French, including their meanings and uses in context.

In addition, students will learn about the present participle and verbal adjective, which are forms of verbs used to describe actions and states of being. They will also explore the various forms of the past participle and their uses in compound tenses.

The lessons on exclamatory adjectives and interjections will help students understand how to express emotions and feelings in French. The lessons on verbs with ÊTRE in the compound tenses, verbs followed by other verbal forms, and verbs that express repetition will provide students with a deeper understanding of verb conjugation and usage.

Finally, students will learn about subordinating conjunctions, which are used to connect clauses and sentences in French, as well as various phrases and expressions such as “dans combien de temps”, “par où”, “pour qui”, and more. The lessons on the past infinitive, pronoun use in affirmative and negative imperative sentences, and the use of the pronouns “le” and “les” will round out the unit, providing students with a comprehensive overview of these key aspects of the French language.

In total, this unit features 28 lessons that provide a comprehensive overview of various aspects of the French language, from complex grammar rules to vocabulary and expressions. The lessons have a total time of around 115 minutes, providing students with plenty of opportunities to practice and solidify their knowledge.

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