Learning a new language is a challenging yet fulfilling experience. One of the most effective ways to improve your language skills is by reading books in the target language. For those who are learning French, reading French books is an excellent way to enhance vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension.

Here are ten French books published in 2020 that can help learners improve their French language skills.

  1. La Part des Ombres” by Céline Denjean – This psychological thriller will keep readers on the edge of their seats. The book tells the story of a woman who is haunted by a past event that she can’t remember.
  2. “Le Pays des autres” by Leïla Slimani – This historical novel explores the lives of a Moroccan family during the 1940s and their struggles with identity and belonging.
  3. “Je suis une sur deux” by Valérie Zenatti – This autobiographical novel tells the story of a young girl’s journey from Algeria to France and her struggle with her cultural identity.
  4. “Tous les hommes n’habitent pas le monde de la même façon” by Jean-Paul Dubois – This book won the prestigious Prix Goncourt in 2019 and tells the story of a man who is unjustly imprisoned and his journey towards redemption.
  5. “L’Anomalie” by Hervé Le Tellier – This science fiction novel explores the concept of parallel universes and the repercussions of one man’s decision to take a different flight home.
  6. “Le Consentement” by Vanessa Springora – This memoir recounts the author’s relationship with a famous French writer when she was just a teenager.
  7. “Le Bal des folles” by Victoria Mas – This historical fiction novel explores the treatment of women in a French psychiatric hospital during the late 19th century.
  8. “Le Petit Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry – This classic French novella tells the story of a young prince who travels through the universe and learns important life lessons. It was not published in 2020… but it is good to remind you that it a book that must be read.
  9. “Miroir de nos peines” by Pierre Lemaitre – This historical novel takes place during World War II and follows a group of characters who are struggling to survive under Nazi occupation.
  10. “Le Grand Vertige” by Pierre Ducrozet – This philosophical novel explores the modern world’s obsession with technology and the implications it has on society.

Reading French books is an excellent way to immerse oneself in the language and culture. These ten books published in 2020 offer a diverse range of genres and themes, making them an excellent choice for French language learners of all levels. By reading these books, learners can improve their language skills and gain a deeper understanding of French culture and literature.

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